Seems like the Jets are just, you know, a bad team.
Seems like the Jets are just, you know, a bad team.
“See what you get when you pay Fitz?” --Bills fans everywhere
And we have reached the climax of a year long foreplay session. Thank you
It’s TEBOW time!
Paging Matthew Dellavedova
You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.
I am hoping to be wrong, but are terrorists running his twitter?
God, it’s like if Trump knew enough about cyber to write a blog.
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
haha. I like this joke and plan to steal it to impress my father in law.
I have a pretty good guess which vice the captain will recommend to the team.
Meanwhile Curt Schilling is over on Fox News blaming Obama, saying this tragedy never would’ve happened had Obama closed the borders to illegal immigrants like he should’ve.
True story: when Fernandez first came over to the US he spent time crawling on the floor of an airport bathroom trying to figure out how to flush and wash his hands because he didn’t realize that the toilets and sinks had motion sensors.
The thing with Belichick is that he hates 99% of the stupid questions that reporters ask (and I don’t blame him). But every once in a while he’ll get asked an actual football question and suddenly he’ll give you a 10 minute strategy dissertation off the cuff.
“Mario, has always torched lesser clubs”
There are two reasons for the series. First, it’s a prolonged troll of Cardinals’ fans that buy into the “Best fans in baseball,” nonsense. Some Cardinals fans are insufferable and this series is for them. Second, this is also something of an inside joke. Will Leitch, Deadspin’s founding editor, is a huge…
TV ratings are the highest they’ve been for any Orioles season. Maybe its the ticket prices, maybe the start times 7 to earlier for people to rush from work just to rush to a baseball game, maybe the riots last year. Maybe people don’t feel safe walking in the city at night. Alot of factors go into this not just one…
The guy who originally coined the term said 1982 to 2001, and later expanded it to 2004.
Jet fuel can’t melt Kaep’s resolve