Ex. President Mack41

No, you're defending red sox fans. That foolish 'not defending red sox fans' is the same 'I don't mean to sound racist' then say something racist.

The Bengals in the Superbowl? You're delusional.

Yeah they're such big sellouts, man. I only liked their first 2 albums.

Let's also remember that at the time the best athletes in the United States played baseball, not football or basketball, on fewer teams than exist today. They were very qualified. Some of those, criminally, were not allowed to play in the major leagues but the rest represented the best that the US had to offer.

Yes, that's the negative part. Now let's take into consideration that he wasn't using the tapered bats we see today, and was essentially swinging a log, hitting a ball with the consistency of a sock, out of deeper ballparks than we have today, while playing in an era with crappier travel accommodations, and virtually

booze-liking, pussy-loving, dinger-slamming

"And if the snow weren't enough of an insult to Costa Rican football," Pinto continued, "Their pitch didn't have any loose turf, earthen lumps, or sinkholes in it."