I am as mad at this show as I think I have ever been. The only thing keeping me stable is thinking about Tormund’s intense Brienne crush and her complete bafflement.
I am as mad at this show as I think I have ever been. The only thing keeping me stable is thinking about Tormund’s intense Brienne crush and her complete bafflement.
It truly is a small world :P
My SIL and I were talking celebrity crushes, and she didn’t know Jason Momoa. I showed her his picture and she declared that he looked just like a guy she went to high school with nicknamed Stinky. I continue to be upset by this information.
Thank you, that’s very sweet.
I’ll try it out, thanks :)
It’s how I participate! I feel like I’m not really clever enough to add to the conversation most of the time, but at least I could let other people know I think they’re smart or funny or make good gif choices.
I am. For some reason, Chrome runs really slowly on my computer so I don’t use it much. I think I’ll just add this to my “Reasons Kinja Sucks” pile.
It’s been super frustrating. I’m in the gray pretty much everywhere because I’m shy about posting, so I like to at least star people to show my support of their witticisms.
Argh! I can’t seem to star anyone these days, but I heartily approve the usage of Metalocalypse.
Important fact: the Afghan hound is wearing a snood, which is the most adorable name for an accessory perhaps in all of history.
I’m just gonna go ahead and assume he meant to say “masculinity.”
I really liked the Sing the Sorrow album when it was released, and have been afraid to listen to it for a long time in case I now realize it’s terrible.
Gifs are not playing for me, and it’s making me a sad panda.
I’ve been getting gray hairs since elementary school. When I slack off on coloring now, I get kind of a Paulie Walnuts thing going on.
I would absolutely join the church of Xena.
I can’t speak for the whole state of Maine, but in my little Downeast region, nobody drinks Fireball. It is all about the Allen’s Coffee Brandy.
My brother and his gf use this site all the time. It was the place with the best deal on their boxer’s special food. Poor doof is allergic to pretty much everything dogs love.
Chewy.com, maybe?