
The presumption in this country is innocence.

I think a more charitable read of it is that a decade is a fucking long time in video games, CoD has already peaked, and that they can’t guarantee the game will even still be relevant in 2033 let alone sign deals into perpetuity that guarantee Sony access to the franchise on their shiny new PlayStation 7. 

“JRPG” is only a negative term if you dislike JRPGs. Same is true of any label. See the vitriolic response to Suicide Squad being a shooter for a recent example of that.

Being asked specifically about what would happen if the deal falls through and him giving the most normal response to it you can imagine, hardly seems like a new “strategy” of downplaying anything if you ask me.

Not only do you misrepresent what Phil said, specifically in your headline, but you even misrepresent your own reporting.

CoD Mobile is a thing, and it works perfectly well

What is 99% likely to happen:

So they should just pay people to do nothing because their net income is high?

This is sort of shitty to reduce Hotz to that. Hotz is an extremely talented programmer and is, actually, the real deal that Elon claims to be but isn’t (claimed he programmed PayPal, claims to do all sorts of code for Tesla and SpaceX but doesn’t really, etc.).

“So, test group, you all like FF7, would you like a free battle royale game that takes place in Midgar?”

Uh, tough shit? They own it now, so they don’t exactly owe a business rival anything beyond what’s in a contract. You’d think Sony knew a thing or two about exclusivity hardball.

That’s always kinda been my point. Like nobody is telling Sony to port Spider-Man 2 to Xbox, because that’d just be stupid.

I’m unclear why MS wouldn’t want to make CoD an XBox exclusive at some point, and why anyone would expect otherwise. It’s not like there aren’t PS exclusives.

It’s not gatekeeping to say “I would prefer an experience custom built by the game’s director.” It is gatekeeping to say “Developers who had difficulty settings are making a mistake.”

There’s a huge gulf between “I like X” and “people who don’t like X aren’t real gamers”

They literally said the word “Personally”,

I get some people feel having a difficulty choice is to their liking. But do keep in mind, it’s a matter of personal preference. We all played games with and without difficulty option, and we can’t say it’s better with/without that option, and all games should / shouldn’t have the option, because the option itself

I agree with you that automated testing is already in place, hard disagree that any tedious maual testing is already automated. It is not. Better recognition of lots of tedious testing, particularly in gaming, would not just be a good thing, it would make the lives of many QA people better.

I definitly think this is being blown out of proportion. The fact is the QA testing is a lot of long tedious work and any way to reduce the need for human beings to do tedious work is a good thing. The important thing is that every automation brings about new positions that are more fulfilling. If an AI can spend the

Wouldn’t you want an AI to do the more monotonous and extremely repetitive tasks of testing over some QA guy running into a wall for 10 hours to see if the level breaks?

I can just imagine Jezebel writing a gushing article about a gamer bro duping women into giving him money.

Attentionwhores. Attentionwhores as far as the eye can see.