
why, thank you, Maac :)

Yeah women are a minority. Women are a minority of Presidents who've been elected by the United States of America. Women are a minority of U.S. Congress members (we're like, how many congresswomen now? 18? out of how many?) Women are a minority of CEOs. A minority of managers of any kind. A minority of people running

Stop responding this to MRA troll

I mean, there's nothing like a solid Friday-night atheist "I don't have any morals!" murder spree, amirite?

I received a comment from a gentleman speaking broken English who declared that men simply had to harass women on the street because it was a way for them to relieve the stress of their extremely difficult day-to-day lives, and that since women had it so easy otherwise, they shouldn't begrudge men some lewd public

womenz and immigrantz are ruining murica. Thanks, Obama!!

Mom worked two jobs to support me when I was a child and therefore stop me before I kill again.

"Because status success is more vital to the male psychology..."

This reminds me of when I was harassed for being an atheist in middle school. Plenty of people asked me why I hadn't killed anyone yet. I wanted to say to them "Well if church is all that's keeping you from killing everyone in our class, please keep going to church! For the love of God, literally!"

Minorities need minority spaces because everywhere else is a de facto majority space.

I don't think height is really relevant for 'shopping in someone's head.

Pretty awesome, but I'd love to now see the TOS crew in TNG uniforms.

Not necessarily. Spock was the second in command but was Science Officer blue. TOS tended toward specializations for the color vs job title. Data was very much the science officer onboard the E-D even if he was "technically" ops. Thats why when he actually became first officer for the episodes when Picard was captured

because Data is the closest thing to a Science Officer in TNG and Troi is.....well....just kind of hot in red.

Relax. All babies look like little goblins, except your own. Sometimes even your own. They usually grow out of it.

Did you read the article? Or just skim?

Don't worry buddy, I have trouble getting jokes sometimes too. You'll get there.

Yeah, that was kind of the crux of the entire piece. Good reading comprehension skills, bub!

I guess it's a good thing I have all those "Look at me use the potty like a big boy!" photos!