
Just as we know more about Star Wars than George Lucas, we know more about Die Hard than Bruce Willis.

No writer attribution? Cowardly. Also, I don’t approve of doxing anyone, even if they are garbage people. Work within the system or change it. Don’t be a little bitch about it. Let me go track down HamNo’s number and a few other choice writers since it’s open game.

He’s a douche, but this is not a good tactic

You sound like a very kind, compassionate human being.

So, they chose convenience and appealing to the core audience. Same for Ghost in the Shell.

It’s called “elastic.”

I have a feeling you didn’t read the article, because Joshua was defending the innocuous shit that OTHER people found offensive.

Thank you for defending the honor of that most beautiful and valiant creature, the “gamer.”

Maybe in Japan things like facts still matter, but we’re making America great one ridiculous rumor at a time!

Thanks for that. Now I feel normal...er... Now, about my other 2 dozen fetishes...

Being mad at a redneck Republican for their poor grammar is like being mad at the sky for being blue; just accept it as fact. :-)

WILL SOMEBODY STOP THE DAMN MATCH! THAT MAN HAS A FAMILY! (and they’re all in the pool with him)

I like the SEALS that weren’t killed. Sad.

The only people more annoying than hipsters are the people who are always bitching about hipsters.

You won’t believe what hipsters are doing now?

She was probably just trying to make TE.

Getting tackled by a girl is nothing to be ashamed of. Now getting tackled by a kicker...

Now playing

Fans at the old Metrodome had no trouble finding ice:

Yeah, Bison! For them, the day micro transactions were implemented in Destiny was the worst day of their lives, but for you, it was Tuesday!