

As a Hearthstone player, a 30 year gamer, and a damn human being, this is nothing but disappointing. I really hope it wasn't the ultimate reason for her leaving the HS scene.

Men online pissed off at being beaten by a woman, now there's a shocker.

It's part of their job no matter whether or not it sounds real, if they don't respond then next time someone calls maybe it would be and they'd decide not to respond. It's their job to check up on things of that magnitude.

"I'm all for enjoying what you've earned, except for this case, when you can't enjoy what you've earned."

I can't believe someone thought this was a good idea.

I love this game, but people keep saying big changes when I think they meant "Destiny being made into what it should've been since the beginning."

I thought it was offensive when the officials by the goal line kept making that same gesture in St. Louis today. Enough is enough.

I assumed the achievement was referencing how fortunate someone must feel if they get into a multiplayer game at all.

I did once see a workhorse evolved into a jackass.

Yes it's such a horrible service to have hundreds of games at my fingers. It's such a horrible service that allows countless indie devs sell their games and allow fans of such games find said games. Horrible, worst Digital Distribution system ever, except it's better than origin, ubisoft's, Nintendo store, PSN, Xbox

Bullshit. One email or phone call would have rectified the situation. Instead he makes an ass of himself.

Threats against peoples lives should never be taken lightly, it only takes one lunatic. Also with how bitterly toxic and unhinged people related to games have been this year, I really wouldn't take that as an empty threat.

1) Server Farms can be scaled up and down, machine by machine as needed, which would would have worked excellently here, like every other First Day / Week / Month of a game's release.

But, why don't MULTIBILLION DOLLAR GAMING COMPANIES have enough servers in the first place?!?

2) I say we stop Pre-Ordering games: all of


Dude, that guy was an outlier. I will quote my text to my friend who is a Chicago Cub fan...."FUCK YOU CHICAGO LOVING BITCH. You will never experience baseball happiness." I'm a Cardinal fan, have been raised by Cardinal fans, and I'm an asshole like everyone else.

"Dodgers in 3" - Deadspin

Deadspin rails on people all the time for being racist, but they hate the entire Midwest. Fuck this website.