your world must be small then
your world must be small then
You're a few months late with that joke...
sigh.... stop adding characters ADD ACTUAL CONTENT! I already have 30 heroes that I can't play because i don't want to grind the same damn content again and again.
As someone who uses a scout rifle and no shotgun, their plans to make autorifles and shotguns less effective, and scout rifles more effective, pleases me immensely.
He's more Planet than Pluto ever was.
its because they waited until they actually played the game it was meant to be played before rushing a review out lol
I used to be *the* Hurt Reynolds, but I got used to being merely *a* Hurt Reynolds when a derby skater in, I believe, England took the name on a year or two ago. If you don't mind the slight risk of sometimes being confused with a 300 pound dude in a cowboy hat, by all means, have at it :)
Seriously, though, the names…
I'm all for proximity chat. Right now, even though it's trying to sell itself as a shooter MMO and I can see all the players, the world feels lonely.
Ruth Skater Ginsburg.
They need to allow trading legendary between clan/guilds It sucks having only 4 people in your party and thats the only people you can trade the legendary you find and even then only for like 2 hours. I haven't played in a a few months now. But really they need to allow us to trade with the removal of the AH there is…
"monstrosity of the Xbox One and the...weirdness of the Wii U"
he downloaded for our sins
If you honestly think that people can't cheat with always online, I've got news for you.
It got worse... look at what they saw on the end credits.
^ This attitude would make the world a better place.
It's not just the tower, it's that the tower is burning /and/ the release date is 9/11. :p
Check out the big brain on Orionsangel!
Well shit negro! That's the only cosplay you had to show me.
The only things worth considering is how you came up with this logic and maybe that you should, perchance, live up to your headline and try to find a different way to respond to a rape accusation, rather than by simply implying guilt upon someone through statistics.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you are a fucking idiot and a terrible journalist.