
Eternals -

This really is not all that far-fetched considering the Russos have been very clear that the MCU is going more “cosmic” after the events of the next two Avengers movies.

I can’t be the only person who feels the time is ripe for a reboot of Buck Rogers.

Wouldn’t it be something if they debut the title for Avengers 4 in the after credits sequence for Infinity War?

It also means they believe in the film enough to spend the extra money to reshoot the entire scene.

I sure hope they use the CGI upper lip for Cavill in his Shazam! cameo. You know, so it stays on par with how he appeared in Justice League.

So what is it about Bryan Fuller that no one will allow him to be his own, creative self. It seems like he leaves every project due to “Creative differences”.

That 3rd act was sooooo bad it almost sank the entire film.

Not to mention the fact that the original creators are also behind it.

I’ll be honest here. I’ll likely download the pirated version.

That said, I loved this movie and already pre-ordered it on Amazon and will not be cancelling my pre-order.

I’m also likely in the minority of those who will download it.

I could not agree more. I’m getting tired of everything revolving around the main storyline. You have this giant universe to explore with billions of potentially colorful characters and instead you keep re-treading the same characters.

The only exception I have to this is I do really want to see an Obi-Wan movie that

I hope he wasn’t lying. I’m pretty tired of the entire Star Wars Universe revolving around a couple of families. It cheapens the whole thing really.

Agents of SHIELD - If they bring Ward back, I’m done.

I am seriously excited about the prospect of a M.A.S.K. movie. That could really be awesome.

When DC makes a Superman movie worth a shit then the fans can let go of the Donner Superman movies.

And you can unlock this feature for the low, low price of $9.99...

So it sounds like Shane Black is bringing back the humor from the original Predator movie. I like it.


Love the Big Trouble in Little China reference in the Bumblebee photos.

Look, Crystal Skull had a whole host of things wrong with it. Shia LeBoeuf’s character was one of the least problematic ones.