Rodney McKay

This was fun, but the very best part is that it turned me on to "Arrival of the Birds".

Definitely. Active shutter glasses combined with Chrome in Depth make web browsing a whole new experience.

Friends don't let friends say nice things about Monster.

8. An All-in-One Eroder (of time)

Get a CNC router.

Did they all have Swedish names? Did they get made up for the camera? How did they get all those similar-looking cats back to their correct slaves? So many unanswered questions!

Retirement—what a quaint concept.

There is an epic comment thread on this: Eat Nuts, Live Longer version of this piece. Let's see if we can have an even more entertaining one here! I'll quote the most popular pair to get the balls rolling:

Addressed in the source article.

It could be worse.

You need to broaden your horizons, my friend.

Evolution has already created what you're describing.

I can dodge bullets. And kids.

I'm not sure I want to know what you're referring to. I fear it's related to the fact that outside in urban areas, most of the bacteria you breathe in comes from dog poop. So, does that mean that in a household with babies, most of the bacteria you breathe comes from...?

So, now that everyone has heard this news, the airlines that haven't yet been approved are going to have a hell of a time getting anyone to shut off their stuff. I'll bet there are a bunch of flight attendants having a really bad day today.

People still have kids?! Suckers....

No, I'm talking about the color that Finder labels applied to items. The little "tag" dots are an extremely poor substitute. I understand the purpose—to allow more than one tag to be applied to an item—but it wouldn't have hurt to keep both systems. The latest version of the aforementioned Path Finder does that, and I

The problem is, many of the drivers who would benefit most from this (I'm looking at you, aggressive tailgaters) wouldn't use it.

Methinks I'd use the blender to do the chopping, then let the mixture steep in some other glass jar. Steeping in the blender is going to tie up the machine, stain it, and possibly add a coffee flavor to the next thing you use it for.

I want fixes for these Finder irritations: