Rodney McKay

It might be fun, but my heart's not in it.

Spontaneous candle combustion?

{sigh} I thought Pornodoro and Marinara was going to be kinky fun...

My wife isn't going to like this...

Boiling is even more effective.

Fortunately, I've fallen off the bandwagon.

If you have extra rooms, then your interests are too limited.

Before the RPi, most my projects involved a Mac or PC running Processing, connected to an Arduino for I/O. Since there's a Linux version of Processing, for my next project I'll try replacing the desktop machine with a RPi or BBB, depending on what else I need. In case anyone has already tried this, does Processing

Mini-splits are ubiquitous in many parts of the world, and are wonderful to use. They're most definitely my first choice for a building I own. You can install them yourself, without "special" tools, if you're handy and if you don't need to alter the length of the lineset that the unit is precharged for. However, you

Chuck me into a skylight in an active lava tube at Volcanoes National Park, while enjoying a hula kahiko performance celebrating my life. Have a kalua pig plate lunch accompanied by copious okolehao.

That's what I said.

"lessen personal injury"? Greeeaaat.... I think I'll go hungry until I can get a proper can opener.

Yeah, that looks really, really dangerous. I don't know about severing your hand, but I'll bet that sometime during your first attempt you'll get a nasty bruise or gash in the web of your hand. If you manage to damage a tendon, then you're going to be really, really unhappy for a long time.

A light sanding is a good idea, and pretty much essential if the old paint was glossy. Then, use a TSP solution to wash off the sanding dust and further clean the walls. If the old paint has a flatter finish, and is in good condition, then just the TSP wash should be fine. TSP is a degreaser, and will make the topcoat

I got started on Budweiser because it's the cheapest non-lite at Costco, and came to like it. It's a comfortable everyday brew, especially good in quantity after a sweaty workout when a serious beer would be too heavy.

Guess you haven't seen my many comments on the virtues of vasectomies.

That's because you'd starve without your cake, so you need to make it quickly. Qu'ils mangent de la brioche.

As a bonus, you'd be recreating American history, because each "flag" would have a different number of stars.