Habbo Hotel, adult room...
Habbo Hotel, adult room...
Thought I had mine set up too because of the user-name-looking title under my Mii, but apparent I didn’t.
Yeah. Unfortunately cheapness over quality. These are pricy to collect. Even the Pop figs I do like, I end up not buying because of crap paint jobs.
Ooh-ooh-ooh! a [maybe] Trump related story! Gotta run with it!
Biggest problem with Svbtle is the name.
Ugh... This, totally. I came here to say how cute the top pic looked but then I saw all the other ones... -_-
Yeah. Has that plastic look rather than black hair that’s been dyed purple (?)
Holy crap.
Really loving the true 8-bit style of the graphics.
Actually like the horse more.
I think yee be right.
So much this.
This is odd being as he’s supposed to be asexual. (Or at least that’s what I read in a book once...)
Lots of strawmen brought.
I like how he never lets go.
It’s reminding me of the changes that came to the series with Ocarina.