I want to get a star and knock the crap out of everyone in this commercial.

Thought you were going with “filled with ‘that’s hot’ comments,” because that’s what I was expecting. Or is that so ten years ago?

Hey, I just picked up pads for my wife today, so...

Looks incredibly lazy.

Is that a green hobbit?


Mostly stopped playing after the speed cap. Wasn’t playing while driving; but you can no longer cruse around with a car full of fiends colecting stops unless your 25mph or under. I get that they want people to walk around but...

“I originally said bread instead of beard :)“

Something horribly wrong with those revolvers.

Good way to get your package stolen... 

You mean how they relive their narrative over and over hundreds of times but with slightly different results, only remembering the multitude of tragic ones?

I’ll say this. If he was Republican, every news story would constantly be reminding you of it.

Oh, he helps himself, alright.

Thanks, but I didn’t say I couldn’t understand it. Just thought it was silly he’d expect to relate a request to Niantic in such a cryptic way that would be overlooked.

Can any normal human understand this?

Sure, just like stamp collectors...

LOL She does this to me all the time!!!

“Utilitarian” pants...