Glasses case, phone, and sometimes keys. These things just don’t work well in those upper pockets.
Glasses case, phone, and sometimes keys. These things just don’t work well in those upper pockets.
Hey, stop making sense.
Pretty stupid article.
Knowing I should be laughing about this makes me feel bad.
Mirror’s Edge movie... where she yet again plays an asian character. LOL
Yes, it matters about this much—> 0
Thought it was an action figure.
LOL Dito.
A whopping 1.3 megapixels!!
Looks deadly boring.
Looks pretty dull, actually.
I think I speak for a lot of people when I say: holy shit.
You know, it doesn’t look half bad.
Some days you just can’t get rid of a bomb.
Yeah. LOL I was like, where the hell are you going with this?!
More like an entire mattress.
Looks like a promotional shot for a porn...