No makeup, hair pulled back; it's you.
No makeup, hair pulled back; it's you.
Shitting, and how it's done. That's really the only thing that would interest me about this story. Not that I'm a fecalpheliac, or anything, I just wouldn't know how I'd deal with that.
"You get two flavours right now, dual shock, or dual shock with the dpad and left stick switched (xbox)." —Which is basically where Nintendo was headed with the GameCube controller. Like I've mentioned, I really disliked that design[duelshock] bcz it's always felt slapped-on, and quite a few people bitch about the…
DualShock coming out over a year later is not "at the same time." And most of that controller was a knockoff of the SNES controller anyways. My opinion of that has always been that the analogue sticks were hastily placed at an even more awkward position than the N64's stick.
LOL ^This sounds like a pretty common story. "Something broken at the dentist's office."
Nintendo 64's was great. Never had an issue with it and never knew anyone who did have an issue with it. I can understand hating it bcz you've always experienced broken ones, but what I don't get is people who have always hated it bcz "it's ugly". So effing what? It's a controller! It did a better job than any of them…
Same here. Never had it break, never known someone to break one; and I know three people who throw controllers when they get angry at games.
Mario is so freakin' creepy. Going to have nightmares tonight, for sure.
Ah I see that now. Guess I missed the second paragraph.
Is it just me or does Anne Hathaway not look like Anne Hathaway?
Looks like a knockoff but I'll check it out.
This is kind of how I play, too. But I really wish they'd give a bit more room at the bottom for your thumb.
Move looks like shit.
Only saw tuns of news stories about it. Probably good enough.
Holy shit, that's blatant.
I've been fallowing DayZ for a while and even I get confused now that "The War Z" came out.
Yeah, I just recognized it, and yeah it did stand out bcz it wasn't like Queg_76 or Kat315. Now I will vanish into the spooky recesses of the interwebs... mwahahaha...... Just kidding :-p