LOL snarktastic & semi-serious? Okay, I can live with that. :-D

As I've stated, I'm not, never was, and never will be a member of the NRA.


You wouldn't happen to be Victoria Ying the illustrator, would you?

Sure thing.

It's like saying white people get tans so they can look "hispanic".

Yes, I get that, but these are the sorts of things that take us to war, take away our freedoms, etc. It's different when "what's best for you" goes from "making your own chose" to "having things taken away" bcz one jackhole's opinion is that it's wrong.




And that's exactly what I do in terms of the NRA.

I wouldn't say crazies. Blind maybe but not crazy.

Sorry, maybe throwing in "nanny state" gummed up what it was I was trying to say. :-p

I'm not part of an organization like that, I'm part of a group of people that believe we have certain rights as citizens of the United States. The NRA has taken it upon themselves to be the "leaders" of gun advocacy, something I have no control over.

I pointed out why people think Obama, and others, were elitist; Sylph began to argue that Obama wasn't. :-p

LOL That's your response? :-p

I'm not part of the NRA, but the NRA has taken it upon themselves to be the leading force of gun rights advocacy. If you believed abortion was wrong, for instance, you couldn't exactly jump from that belief every time someone did something you disagree with, like bomb a clinic.

No, I'm not arguing that at all.

Good to know you can pick and choose who you want to compare Obama too ;-)

I'd be curious to know if any of the NRAers that have in the past tried to get me to join are still a part of that.