Oh right, bcz I alone pick who's going to be president. Look, Bob, I live in California, do I really need to spell things out for ya?
Oh right, bcz I alone pick who's going to be president. Look, Bob, I live in California, do I really need to spell things out for ya?
Very unfortunate. I'm getting that same "two party system" feel right now.
If a doctor recommended a treatment I would disagree with, say maybe acupuncture or power crystals, I would get a new doctor. I can't get a new president; it doesn't work that way.
So only when a president comes along that you agree with do then become an "expert". Nice.
They're all elitist. Why is Obama called an elitist? Bcz he, like so many others, think they know what's best for you. Nanny statism. LOL
Gun nut here. To me, the NRA isn't the problem but rather the numbnuts running it. It's like looking up and realizing your bus is being driven by an angsty 12-year-old internet troll.
Exactly. The further I got in this game, the more I felt like I was lied to. Yes, at some point I just got board with the game, and the only thing that really saved it for me was playing with a few friend and using a Save editor to screw around with things. Otherwise I'm not sure if I would have passed it. I did enjoy…
Playing though the previous game, it really made me wonder about what gets the devs off... Now I know.
Stop bullshitting. You do realize we have the interwebs at our fingertips?
But what if you're someone who has constantly fell ill from the shots?
Ugh... I'm so conflicted.
The child in the photo looks like a blond asian kid. Am I wrong?
Yeah... totally fake. Sorry.
You've done the job of so many. LOL