I don't really get the whole "erotic zombie" thing either. It's like a creepy fetich. :-p

"Why would the public be angry?" —because of BS.

Why does he look like Tony Hawk? lol

I have a video that YouTube won't monetize bcz I can't prove to them I was the one who shot the video, or something like that. All in all, it's like talking to a computer...

An illusion.

That's so funny, regarding the comments, bcz I found myself doing the same thing.

The one that stands out is the boy above the Barbie mansion; he looks like he's plotting something evil. LOL But I suppose if it were a girl there with the same look on her face, I'd think the same thing. :-p

The vinyl stickers do come off.

But you're basically saying the videogame industry and porn industry are the same?


There's a lot wrong with this, that's for sure.

I get why I hate Chase, but I've never understood this hatred for him...

That's just it, it's not porn. Why then should such sexism and objectification of women pour out into other media bcz of the what men have been fed to think about woman?

You're right.

"...and the sixth console Nintendo has ever made." —Huh? I suppose if you remove some consoles from the equation you'd be right.

Not really. This, you have no control over it.

Still have a lot of mixed feelings...

Clooney.... aw.... :-p