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    A few weeks back I let the tank get low in my FiST. 12.4 gallon tank. I like to run an E30 blend, and there aren’t many stations near me with E85. The one I usually go to is close to work.

    That’s an intercooloer

    How did I throw my life away? I was crapping in someone’s front yard. Yup. That’s it.

    I imagine they’re headed to auction eventually.

    One of my friends is working there for CoPart. She said every day has been 13-14 hours.

    Also - a Subaru STi breaking every NHRA record.


    The Miata is a sporty coupe?

    odds are he wrapped it in plastic to keep the kids from messing it up :)

    When we dropped my wife’s car off, they gave us a new malibu w/ the start stop. it worked pretty seamless, I don’t see why anyone would hate it.

    I think it handled great - maybe not as sharp as the NBs I had (one was a sport w/ the Bilsteins), but I enjoyed it more than the NA for sure.

    I’d love one of the new ones, but with the amount of power it has, I can’t see it being more fun than my FiST.

    I had a NA, 2 NBs and an NC, and I liked the NC a lot. Looks wise though, it ranks last IMO

    I would guess that you are pretty spot on - I’m a little out of shape (I need to lose 25 lbs) and don’t exercise, and I’m sure that’s part of the issue with my sex drive.

    I have footwell lighting in my FiST. I used it for about the first week, and since then, it’s been off. In fact, I forgot all about it until I read this article :)

    I started tracking my sex life using the iPhone’s Health app last July, because I wasn’t sure how often my wife and I were doing it.

    Two riders passed away today - Alan Bonner and Jochem van den Hoek

    NP only if the car comes with $24,000 in cash in the trunk

    2013. A 2006 MX-5 Grand Touring.

    Oh my god.