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    $57 difference in MO.

    I doidn’t realize they had goofy doors. I’d still kill my family in order to have one, and this really makes me wish I’d applied myself as a youth, so that I could have cars like this.

    The woman on the left, Cindy Stowell, passed away. She had terminal cancer and donated her winnings to cancer research. She’s won 3 days in a row so far.

    Drove one of these during a Bondurant class 2 years ago. Loved the auto-rev on downshifts (no heel-toe needed), and the air conditioned sport seats.

    I liked these, tried talking my dad into a black ‘91 coupe when he ended up with a S-10 Blazer.

    They actually won a MotoGP race this year (Jack Miller). There were 3 sattelite wins this season (Crutchlow also won 2 for LCR). lots of rule changes this year (tires/electroics), and other stuff (weather) played into it - 9 different riders won races this year - it’s usually only the same 3 or 4.

    1991. My 1st stick car - ‘81 Accord. The day I went to register it, I told my friend not to bring it to school (it was parked in his driveway), but he did, and blew the clutch on the way to school.

    I wasn’t sure I could do that right away - I’d never refinanced a car loan before.

    Definitely agree with always applying for a loan before going to buy a car - I recommend Credit Unions. Takes a lot of the BS out of car buying.


    There are idiots saying this guy is a fake, and really an actor

    Yes, she is quite likeable. She has a new Netflix show coming out with Grant and Tory - The White Rabbit Project.

    Luckily it’s one of those shows that will likely be replayed for years to come. The Science channel plays the shit out of them, and is even having an 11 day marathon showing all episodes starting on 12/23 I think

    I miss Mythbusters so much.

    leave lots of room for braking, and don’t be stupid :)

    Now I gotta make a crock pot automotive fluid chili tomorrow. Yummers!

    Yeah, he’s not going to have a license for a long time. And I’m fine with that.

    looks like he fucked his own world up, and put his own company in the dirt. What a douche.

    depends on the amount of cocaine. There’s an equation for that ;)

    I couldn’t tell if it had rear seats, but I guess if I need 3 hookers, I can cram one in the frunk

    a Porsche I can’t use to pick up anyone? Seems kinda nutty to have no room for hookers..