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    I would usually just do that with the right hand (shift and steer) and eat with the left.

    That’s hideous. The whole car is very bla-ly styled IMO


    Forever in the gray - thanks for making me feel unloved.

    He’s a racer, so yes.

    the only wierd way I’ve driven a car is while getting a blowjob. I had to tell the girl to wait until we were on the highway though since it’s a manual :D

    A diesel Ford Escort Wagon - I could not imagine a sadder place to be.

    Helmets, gloves, a textile riding jacket. And I even had some non-racing riding boots.

    CP. All that work for 218hp/214lb/ft? They must’ve been smoking crack to swap that in instead of the almighty LSx.

    you may be thinking of Scott Russell at Daytona

    Take those FA20 boat anchors out, and drop in a LS1 - problem solved.

    My first instructor at a track day was an absolute fucking asshole. He was a Spec Miata racer, and this was an all Miata track day.

    I’m replying simply because I enjoy my replies always being gray and ignored. So awesome being a Jalponik commenter in the gray - makes you really know that they don’t care for my opinion.

    For me, it was a C6 Corvette.

    She can throw Mountain Dew all over me anytime she wants!

    While I’d like a BRZ or Miata, they just don’t have enough power. Adding power to it puts you in ‘15 Mustang GT territory $ wise. There’s even a local dealer offering the lower optioned cars for $29k. Of course I’d cross shop both since I’m not looking for a specific type of car.

    They probably figured out he was Doug DeMuro’s dad, and a $400 repair was worth not getting a long story written about them on how they screwed your dad.

    My favorite crap can is my ‘09 Accent. It doesn’t really get that good of gas mileage (28.6mpg over 14k miles), has manual windows and locks to go with the manual trans, and has XM.

    Most highways in NYC are only 50mph