Yup - 80% of the time they're doing challenges the UK show did - and it pales by comparison
Yup - 80% of the time they're doing challenges the UK show did - and it pales by comparison
In HS I had a friend with a Baja bug - I never saw the appeal. It was slow, and shook like mad at 70mph. The only cool part was it took 10 minutes to pull out the motor.
For $3k?
I can't believe that the Lamborghini had a problem losing one of the slowest cars built today.
Rockin' Supercar: The Rebirth, Short Life, and Death of a Shark-Fin-Equipped '85 Toyota Tercel Wagon – Autoweek
I talked an ex-gf into naming our daughter Miata Danielle if we had a kid together. I was joking, and she loved it.
My Strange Addiction - Sex with a car - NSFW I guess lol
or lots of chrome accents that the Corvette contingent seem to love so much. Matching chrome or painted everything under the hood.
That's why I like the Corvette coupes - the targa is an awesome compromise
I wonder if he's also the guy behind the "Corvette sinkhole hoax" videos
Raise it? You mean like you can raise the new Cherokee?
It's sad. reminds me of the Jeep Compass I seei nthe parking lot daily. Wishing so much it wasn't a Jeep Compass.
It's not a porn movie . . . . . . . yet.
It's $3.59 a gallon today here in the Midwest
Good point - I'm not afraid of used cars, so I would try to find something a little more my liking than these 2. I had a Honda Fit last year, and while it handled good, and hauled a lot of stuff, I needed more car.
nah - I used to have a scooter - loads of fun ;)
Blind people, and/or those with no enjoyment of driving at all bought them all.
Nope. He replied to me one time saying "soon" but that was months ago already lol.