And yet he still has millions of fans who will write awful things because AmBeR is a NuTcAsE. For too many women, liberal and conservative, they will justify abusing another woman if they like a guy enough (even if they will never meet him).
And yet he still has millions of fans who will write awful things because AmBeR is a NuTcAsE. For too many women, liberal and conservative, they will justify abusing another woman if they like a guy enough (even if they will never meet him).
Yeah, I’m not sure what he’s advocating for. Men are hormone-crazy 24/7, can’t control their urges and are therefore responsible for most of the misery? Is that an argument for or against male superiority?
Dammit, you chucklefuck, your intentions were perfectly clear. You wanted to hurt and embarrass a total stranger because some stray gross impulse darted across your lizard brain and being a white male, you never even thought to resist or question it. You honestly expected her to find that funny or at least “laugh it…
A big part of it is classic mind control. They recruit someone with flattery and seeming concern. They lovebomb them. Then once they have an in, the worm turns and the control, extortion, and abuse get worse and worse. They make the victim(s) gradually give up rights. They coerce their target to disconnect from any…
FuUuUuck Kevin Lyman.
Out of respect for the frustration my original post caused, I’m going to take a posting break, but I didn’t want to leave you hanging. I’m an older gay man with a fairly diverse friend group. My work puts me in a position of building online communities, which includes crafting and enforcing rules around what’s…
It really hurts when you find out the people you love hate you by default. That feeling was a big part of my feminist awakening.
I get the feeling Kevin Spacey is very disliked in Hollywood, for him to be ditched from all of his projects with this kind of haste. It’s like everyone was just looking for an excuse to be rid of him.
John — back away from the computer! Seriously, if you feel so strongly about it what’s your name? Danielle bravely used hers. In what capacity were you there? Obviously another woman there felt the same way, so it’s not beyond the possibility that this man acted inappropriately. We’ve all been there. Instead of caping…
anyone see him being gone for a while and being welcomed back with open arms years later? i’m pessimistic that this will ruin him forever.
Retarded and autistic are different things, so stop fucking calling people retarded, dickhead.
Ok, ok. We get it. You’re still into a thing that should’ve been over by the late 90's, you feel the FBI is out to get you & your leaders, and you’re probably sticky to the touch. But why did you have to schedule your rally the same weekend as the Juggalos?
The age of most of the soldiers in Vietnam was na-na-na-na nineteen
This is the future that liberals want.
Micah Fletcher has Asperger’s (which you’d know if you’d bothered to read the linked article), but thank you for your bullshit tone policing.
Agreed, ironically enough I found his video smelled about white-saviorey.
They identify as a genderqueer non-rapist, but they may have straight, consent-fluid sexual interactions.
im actually really happy he said this, and not just because i was a hardcore 1d fan for several years
Nowhere did this article even bring up circumcision. Why is it so hard to stay on topic when it’s about an atrocity that’s done to women’s sexual organs? Why is it always, “We must discuss the penis first!”