Elle O. Elle

Yeah, what's up with those slutty prima ballerinas with their lady bits all shown off through their leotards?

Oh, man, insta-sad. I'm still not over it.

Oh my god. I probably would have just keeled over dead from the shock.

Yeah, it's way easier to preach about cultural appropriation than it is to research the many, many Native American Tribes, and each with its own culture!

Ugh the Duck Dynasty people. It's not like you're not allowed to pray in school - the schools just can't initiate the prayer. The idea of "prayer clubs" is totally backwards - Jesus advocated against public prayer: "And when you pray, you must not be like the hypocrites, for they love to stand and pray in the

Will this comment section dissolve into a discussion about how reprehensible and gross Swedish culture is and how I have been approached by nasty aggressive Swedish men and that is evidence that they are an infantile culture?

My only hope is this paves the way for good shows to get the same treatment

The finale was sad and beautiful.

Okay, I am a Treme fan. I resent the comparison, unless you are only speaking about numbers. Totally different shows. I'm still sad. Antoine, I miss you!

I had free reign of my internet and television with HBO growing up. My parents had no restrictions on what I could watch but would often watch things with me in case I had questions. I saw some shit. (e.g., Godfather, Apocalypse Now, Full Metal Jacket, Animal House, Crying Game) at a very young age.

As an autistic and formerly very-sick person, I'd much rather be autistic than very sick. Vaccines for life (hopefully unless they wear out like the tetanus ones), son!

Oh, very true. I was just pointing out that PLANTATION, and all it implies, should cause people pause when planning events, especially those who are soooo concerned with social justice issues. I'm leery of all farms, including those in the Midwest b/c the Klan was very widespread and I do live in a former slave state.

Many African American families have their family reunions on plantations, actually. Pretending that they don't exist seems not to be helpful either... For many Black Americans that is where their family tree "begins" so they spend all or part of their family reunion at the plantation their family members worked on.

Cute but they're not personalised. Henry and Hetty are Hoover names/types in the UK. They have faces and everything.

I agree with you about coming out with movies centering on some of the more minor (or sometimes not minor, but overlooked) characters. It's bordering on annoying that the film industry would rather do sequel after sequel to the point of the movies being pretty boring rather than write something new.

I agree. This dude is A list. Def not back catalogue. Check your sources. Or wikipedia. ::pushes up glasses::

An older lady ahead of me at the doctors office the other day could not pay her copay because it had raised recently from what it had been. She didn't have any money and said she'd have to reschedule.

Ran into Target last night to grab some food on the way home. And by food, I mean I box of Kraft Mac-n-cheese (yes, I eat like a toddler.)

Wow! Would you like a cookie now?