Elle O. Elle

There is the upcoming Netflix series, which will technically be part of the MCU, so she could show up in a film one day!

Maybe I'm being naive, but with the recent announcement of their schedule up to 2019, I'm hopeful that there is at least one, maybe two female led films (and Black Panther) in the works that they just aren't announcing yet. Look at the Ant-Man fiasco, they announced that in 2006 and STILL haven't started filming yet.

Obviously I don't know from personal experience, but it's my understanding that it's considered a pretty minor blip in UK history and doesn't get covered much.

I'm American but live in the UK, so I can kinda see not knowing much about Independence Day. But not knowing what a colony is?!

So today one of my coworkers asked if the movie Independence Day is based on how we started celebrating the holiday, or if we just based the holiday on the movie. Then when I explained the American Revolution (in the simplest way I could) she asked me what a colony is.

Yes, I am well aware that non-white citizens and residents are in contact with lots of white Brits. Non-white people being around white people isn't exactly the issue here.

No I haven't, but Leeds in particular is still a fairly big city. As I said in another comment, the UK is only ~13% non-white, and the majority of that is in those bigger cities. The big cities here are some of the most multi-cultural in the world, but outside of them the country really isn't all that diverse.

Hugely ethnically diverse? It's 87% white. And the vast majority of that 13% is in the major cities. Where I live it's 99% White British. I have no idea if SamBarge has ever been here, but it certainly representative of the area of the UK that I live in.

Yeah, the major cities have pretty diverse populations, but London and Manchester aren't the whole of the UK. Sam's post is pretty spot on with what I've seen and experienced in lily-white Devon.

My first period, like many other posters, was uneventful. The only thing I really remember is that I was 13. It was the second or third one that was YM Say Anything levels of embarrassment. Last day of seventh grade, I got to school and realised it was that time of the month. I didn't have a pad and the girls'

What is wrong with you?

Except I called from my home phone, not my mobile. Jackass.

I have pay as you go, no plan, no set amount of minutes, and exorbitant charges for accessing voicemail. I also have a home phone, and have in the past requested people call that instead of my mobile. Am I still a douche for not responding to voicemails when they've called a number I've asked them not to use, troll?

I don't think it's totally fair to add Tauriel. She exists because Jackson didn't want the film to be a total sausage fest but was still bound to a previously existing storyline.

I avoid voicemails because I get charged for listening to the damn things. Receiving a text message is free. I'm not saying "fuck off" I'm saying "I'm not wasting my hard earned money on a freaking voicemail."

CC stands for either "color correcting" or "color control". They're basically just BB creams that help with redness or other skin tone issues.

The short version is that it's basically just a tinted moisturiser.

I've got foundation with a higher SPF than that!

I have no idea if where the mask is, but I assume I still have it somewhere. Amidala is in a box in my parents' place with her children, Bespin Luke and Cinnabon Hair Leia (two versions actually, a vintage one from the 70s or 80s and the late 90s version).

I have that Amidala too!