Elle O. Elle

White Christmas lights do look prettier... until everyone has only white Christmas lights. Then they're just boring. Variety is the spice of life!

There's a conversation about it here, where I provided a few quotes and links. Hope that helps!

No problem!

Morrisey does have a history of saying racist shit.

Ha! True.

You know how old school Captain America had Bucky Barnes? If Marvel had created a Nazi supervillain for Cap to fight during WWII, his sidekick probably would've been named something like "Scooter Braun".

When I was still in the US and had an office job we had Thursday and Friday off (most of us only worked four hours on Fridays anyway, so coming in would've been doubly silly). I don't know how common that is for office workers, though most everyone in my city had both days off.

The thing is, I don't really mind the idea of "girly" building and science toys, so long as that isn't the only option (and that boys aren't shamed for liking "girl stuff"). It's the hypocrisy of Goldieblox's "pink stinks" marketing and uber-pink product that I find galling.

What does this have to do with my comment, other than the fact that both my comment and yours mention a dead guy? I pointed out that they've been praised as feminists for a couple of decades now, you make a weird reference to intellectual property rights that had nothing to do with the very thread you started.

Not only is the character awfully princess-y considering the marketing, but the second toy coming out revolves around a "princess pageant".

the Beastie Boys praising girls for their terrific housekeeping talents.

It's looking like they didn't get permission for "We Are the Champions" either. And then there's the kinda gross, pre-Goldieblox "I Want a Goat", a parody of Lonely Island's "I'm On a Boat". Because the Lonely Island song makes fun of starving people?

From the GB website, "by tapping into girls’ strong verbal skills, our story + construction set bolsters confidence in spatial skills." Excuse me? Stereotype much?

From the GB website, "by tapping into girls’ strong verbal skills, our story + construction set bolsters confidence in spatial skills." Excuse me? Stereotype much?

A film is a work of art (even really terrible action films). One piece of art being used in another (with the original artist's permission) is entirely different than using that same piece of art (without permission) to sell a hunk of plastic manufactured in China.

Are you saying this Goldieblox commercial isn't advertising?

They aren't against the use of that particular song because they're embarrassed by it. They're against the use of all of their music in any advertisements.