Macho Man Randy Travis

From this video I gather that these are some other people that likely work at UFC: Michael Bradley, Moby, The hasslebeck brothers, James Carville, pit bull, and Vin Diesel.

I feel like I’m in a sort of unique position—I’m a former NCAA DI coach who now teaches at a large state school. Man, I love having athletes in my classes, so it always makes me sad/frustrated when athletes express this idea that they think all faculty are against them. Many faculty truly enjoy university athletics

Me as a Devils fan after seeing it really was a 1 for 1 and Hall is signed through 2020.

I’m not sure what to think about this. Let’s check Wikipedia.

Yeah, like Jason Kipnis would know.

Taking offense is like building a fence—you have to do it all alone and it takes a lot of time, and the things you think are nails are actually slender dog turds, and you pick them up and you get slender turd on your hands and then who’s gonna give you a kiss at the supermarket? Not Hannah, the twenty-something bag

Young prodigy out of ITT Tech in Saskatoon. Interned under Tommy Mack. Managed professionally by the stellar network systems director Butch Williamson while at Pasqua Hospital in Regina, Saskatchawan. Great IT senses out there, can solve any login credential issues.

I’m fine with Bernie staying in the race to accumulate votes and show Democrats that there is broad, national support for a progressive agenda. I am not alright with him staying in the race in a desperate bid to win.

Now playing

Just received this in the ol’ email chute, one of the hundreds out there on the YouTube.

Sadly i’m from Serbia, this shit happens every single time. If there was at least some football to see, but no, these two teams are about what you would get if you just took 22 random yahoos from street and told them to go kick a ball around at some pitch.

Reminds me more than a bit of the bonkers manifesto written by Donald Crowhurst in his last days. Google it. You’ll be fascinated.

A briefer guide to the Panama Papers:

“I gotta say, Facebook’s decision to stream less strikes me as a pretty bad idea.”
-Matt Harvey

I’m not saying her logic is faulty. I’m saying it’s repulsive. It’s the logic that has permitted one of the two parties to define itself by the narrowest possible marginal differences between itself and the other for more than 20 years—since Hillary’s husband won in ‘92, in fact—meeting the interests of its putative

I dunno, it depends on where it’s playing. The quality of the Theater should play into your decision. Also, are you buying tickets from the box office, or third party? So many questions really, there's no good way to answer this based on the information you've presented.

Seriously. At your average university these days, that $985,000 would pay 9850 adjunct faculty salaries.

of course Marc-Andre Fleury would consider this tactic silly; when he needs a stoppage in play, he usually just allows a soft goal.

MocciBall isn’t always sweet.

It’s like Alien vs. Predator but Legionnaire’s vs. Gonnorhea.

Daneyko wasn’t the type to use his stick in a dirty fashion. You’re thinking of Scott Stevens, who in addition to be a world class slashing and spearing champion, was the all team leader in leave the ice/shoulder to head/elbow to jaw dirty hits. Daneyko on the other had was tough and mean, but played the game pretty