
That is absolutely just fucking gross. 

when do we think these shows will be on other streaming platforms so real people can watch them?  

Lol, they would be handing out white chocolate.

Jfc, white chocolate?? Won’t somebody think of the children?

I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone of the year when President Obama met Lil’ Pope...

But AOC wasn’t crediting Bernie for CHIP.

I too knew those guys in college, but doesn’t Bernie have a very long history of activism, protesting, and organizing?

I also get annoyed anytime Mayor Pete talks about “people in the Midwest” like like the Midwest is a monolith or like Elizabeth Warren can’t grasp the Midwest. He uses “the Midwest” as a code word for conservative, rural, working class, etc. in an attempt to paint Warren as an out-of-touch East Coast liberal. Well,

As a followup, I don’t think there’s anything I’d rather see than an actual unmoderated debate between Bernie and Warren. A friendly discussion of their policies and where they differ on which issues, between two adults who have respect for each other and understand the nuances of the issues.

Mayor Pete was embodying every white dude in college who never stopped talking in class even though everything he said was empty yet condescending at the same time. I got flashbacks that filled me with rage.

My 14-year old teenage boy tried to explain it to me.

She is the best, but this wasn’t her best sketch of the night...I freaking loved the apple picking ad.

I feel like whatever cast was on during your sleepover years becomes “your” cast.   


It’s amazing how something that is ostensibly a makeover show can be so affecting. I love that they try to focus on bringing out who each Hero wants to be instead of forcing them into molds. The majority of the stuff that the Fab 5 does is ultimately frivolous, yeah; the world won’t implode if the beauty industry

“I like what she had to say, but I still think she’s—sorry—a bitch,” said a 56-year-old Trump supporter.

I was genuinely surprised by how much it affects me when I watch it. I got my father onto it and he literally just watches and rewatches the seasons when he’s feeling blue. There is something about watching that five person tornado of positivity, belief, strength and kindness that is so very healing.

Thinking about all the people lost to HIV is devastating. It’s so amazing of someone who is as positive and lively and such a bouncy ball as JVN to open up about their diagnosis and show that with the right medical support, you can thrive. I hope the stigma gets less and less every time someone comes out with this. 

Watching Queer Eye is always a boost to my mental health. Whenever I’ve been binging it, I hear him in my head as I’m getting ready, chearing me on, and it gives me such a lift.

please let Biden’s anachronistic, “record player” blip convince the cautious electibility voters that Joe is far past his prime