
Did I say abuse was excusable? I reject all violence, don’t think any of it is excusable or justifiable. Hence, “call the cops, leave, etc.”

Call the cops. Leave. etc

You ever gotten stitches from a scratch? Just wondering. Is that, like, the good healthcare?

Of course you’re right! I feel so silly. Yesterday I was instantly imagining the demographic I consistently see in SPLC’s Intelligence Report: rural white supremacist types.

I’m so confused. Where did the “three white men” claim come from? Especially if people recognized their coworker...

I can’t really imagine Jon Stewart making a joke like that.

This reminds me of an older brother who made fun of me for my non-fancy phone. Like, really made fun of me every time I saw him. Naturally, his fancy phone is on our dad’s family plan. boo.

So sad. This is such a wonderful book! I got a chance to read it to a small group of kiddos at church family camp this summer.




Why am I *not* surprised to learn Norman Mailer stabbed his wife? That guy is such a creep; my quiet boycott of all his work continues.

Ooh! It happens to be my Atwood book on my “Gonna Read” shelf. Sounds good—thanks for the recommendation.

Her posture looks uncomfortable. Those dudes look creepy. Run, Elizabeth!

No kidding. I hate to seem anti-women, but when these “good old days”/neo-fascist types rail about gender and tradition, I wonder why they think they’re exempt?

Right? Oh, it must have been hell at ABC/The View.

Hugely impressive!! My audiophile, musician spouse was all over this Sunday morning in bed. However, I hope the bass player recognizes their amp was TOO LOUD. How dare they?

That is awesome!!

I felt similarly the first time I tried a couple clips/episode. About six months later, after reading this New Yorker piece, I tried again and really enjoyed it. Knowing about their comedic journey and more about them period helped me appreciate what they’re doing.

I’m *shocked* the neo-fascist is calling me toilet tissue!