Timely write-up! I have been thinking about Big Change lately. This pic of Halle Berry has me seriously considering bangs. She’s such a babe!
Timely write-up! I have been thinking about Big Change lately. This pic of Halle Berry has me seriously considering bangs. She’s such a babe!
No, only pockets of folks stood up. Besides that group a few rows behind her, I mostly see scattered folks of color.
ooh, my favorite man-bun look was Jax Teller’s Season 2 punching bout in Ireland. I just thought it was really great
“Forget the minimum wage. Let’s educate & train”
UGgghh, I hope he doesn’t pay more attention to Wisconsin...
How much should he be paying for haircuts, Diamond Jim?
bad dude w/callous disrespect for human life
how could he resist that graphic?!
“for better or for worse”?
Where is the back of Laverne’s dress? I bet she looks fine!!
If I were asked to weigh in on a re-design, I would change this neckline/front of the bodice. I like the rest!
I am interested in hearing this—may some stuff on Youtube? This link only works is one has Spotify...
who is Karmin? why is the chorus worse? why’s it all worse?
And I’ll be one of them soon!!! Mwah...
Ohhh . . . I did not realize this was *right after* he was gearing up to propose! I thought it was a “Let me walk you out” good-bye scene. He was probably reeling and hurt. :-(
Yeah, I could imagine the producers encouraging her to let him give his little speech. :-(
oof, that does sound bad. I’m looking around on Youtube for the final scenes . . .
I was never really Team Nick or Team Shawn (and hadn’t heard about the spoiler, thank goodness!), but this final scene with Nick is pretty awful. He seems like the real jerk here. A lot was made of Shawn’s jealousy, but I think this scene shows Nick’s pettiness. Both were/are foolish to think the love match show won’t…
Being fine with nudity is different than asking your babysitter to join her in the shower, Jess.
She is a capitalist war hawk. I like that she would bring in a new perspective as a woman, but the capitalist war hawk thing = rising inequality + US military aggression = same shit we’ve had last several decades.