Can't wait to go home and watch this. ..oops meant to reply to Author
Can't wait to go home and watch this. ..oops meant to reply to Author
Yeah they removed grenade launchers, which are annoying in the assault class, and added the ability to self-revive, which is also annoying. So now instead of people grenade spamming doorways, we have zombie players.
Are you saying most of the maps in BF4 are designed to funnel you into specific hard points where mobility is limited? Or are you referring to Hardline? If BF4, besides Operation Metro and Operation Locker, I can't think of any other obvious examples. Care to help? China rising maps = quite open..too open in some…
Lets see..Battlefield 4 has vehicles, including quad bikes, dirt bikes, hover crafts, transport helicopters, LAVs, etc. Battlefield: Hardline has cars, motorcycle, transport choppers, etc.
Did you play the beta? I did and I don't think it was "much quicker" than Bf4. The only times Bf4 matches are somewhat slow paced are on Hardcore matches with low player count (around 20-40 players)
That joke is about as played out as "get back in the kitchen" or "make me a sandwich" being said to women
I'd love to see this in line graph format
I watch a fight because I'm familiar with atleast one of the two opponents, and I am interested in seeing them fight. I don't watch a fight because "someone said something on a hot mic." How many fight fans do you think really fall for that? I mean, I'm sure some...but I'd hope not most.
Oh yeah and then he arrests one of the two heavily armed men who have their guns laying at their feet. While he's arresting him, nothing is really stopping the next guy you're going to arrest from killing you. Sooooo well scripted..just like a TV drama..they really thought of everything here clearly
You're right, but I'd rather play Far Cry 3..
"while BF:Hardline's Rescue Mode is way too similar to Ubisoft's Rainbow Six: Seige."
Also 8:05 is a completely ridiculous moment. Your character walks up to two armed men with a pistol, so you're already outnumbered..and they just lay their guns on the ground. Okay..I can live with that although really I'm surprised they didn't fight back.
DICE...what has happened to you?
The game mode where you only get one life is nothing new...
BF4 has a game mode called Defuse and Rescue sounds...identical: "The Battlefield 4 Defuse game mode is very different from other modes, since players cannot respawn. In the infantry-only mode, once the round starts, players who die will not enter the match…
Well they already had that the only thing "new" about it is the name as far as I can tell. In BF4 there's a game mode called "Defuse":
Sorry but reading through this article it seemed a little all over the place. You start out with, and maintain till around the middle the whole "She was just asking a question!" and then near the end you went into the whole "Women are trying to keep feminine hygiene products tax free." Then you mention the NFL, and…
me too... I'm so hungry
A better love story than Twilight.
You sound depressed and angry. You sound like you need a friend but unfortunately I'm not interested. Goodbye.