Yeah that’s what I was thinking. And then to get all self congratulatory because you’ve decided that this time is gonna be different... And then to tell your husband all this..? I think she might need her own therapist, Nevermind the marriage counseling

It seemed to be free for a 6-8 hour window, which is unusual. I also saw some mention of “five days of freebies” from Origin, but when I check their twitter I’m not seeing any mention of it. So yeah, probably mistake

It is really hard to take clothes off of someone who isn’t conscious.

Hehe..people seem to actually believe you. Jesus..

By stealing? Maybe..

Not according to Wikipedia. I was curious about your claim so I googled “origins of country music” and the first thing I saw was:

That’s really creepy. My advice: hire a hitman.

I don’t like trolls either, but sometimes all the whining I hear gets on my nerves. Look, I get it...trolls are annoying. But very few games come out today that don’t provide you with the option to mute individual players along with everyone in general. If you know you don’t want to hear anyone, disable voice chat, or

This is relevant to my interests

What do hipsters have to do with people who game on PC? What exactly is the irony in the comment? I don’t see it as sarcasm, nor as a joke. I read some of this persons other comments and they seem to be extremely butthurt over the PC community, and keep repeating that they think hipsters and PC community are exactly

Ah C’mon..leave Linux out of this.

I see you trying to make sense and be relevant (like the ‘joke’) but it’s not working. You don’t know what you’re talking about, sorry.

Hipsters have nothing to do with the story, so this is basically just nonsense. It’s not sarcasm, just a really bad joke. I didn’t need the breakdown but thanks anyway.

You don’t even know what you’re talking about. You sound like you desperately want people to think you’re intelligent. Moving’re boring me. sound angry.

Are you familiar with the difference between trying to be funny and actually being funny? Your post seemed to fall into the former. are you even talking about? I haven’t met a single person that assembled their own PC build with “locally sourced” or recycled parts in mind. You set a budget..lets say $1000, then you figure out which parts you can afford and will work best with each other. You usually get these parts off various online

As someone who games on PC and console I just don’t get involved in it. I think it’s pretty dumb. The jokes are played out, and the typical PC bragging jabs vs butthurt console reactions makes my eyes glaze over.

Only when my basic functions of living are disrupted by an external source