I'm sure all of those people grossed out by the Michael Sam tweets will be beyond furious that this was made public. Quick someone catch up with Derrick Ward (like that's ever been hard to do) and ask how outraged he is.

I know this is complicated, but try to stay with me:

How the fuck is kissing his boyfriend the same thing as attacking someone with a bat? I hope this is just piss poor trolling, because it's the dumbest shit I've ever read (and I just finished reading all of those idiotic tweets, so that's a high bar).

Monologue? I don't know of any shows with a regular montage, though that sounds awesome.

This is such a horseshit argument. They don't ask us to spend billions and worship a child's game. We do that for our enjoyment, not as a favor to them. Quit pretending like buying a ticket a fucking hat gives you any say in what someone else does on their own time.

Yeah, the NFL will stick to handing out bonuses for head shots (which head shots they will sell pictures of on until called out for it). That's what a classy league does.

Also, it is what the H on the jerseys stands for.

Can you believe they think there might be some Yankees, Giants, Jets, Mets, Knicks, Nets, Rangers, or Islanders fans that don't live within the five boroughs? That's crazy.

C'mon, a lot is two words. If you're going to be this uptight about language, you have to get your own right.

Likely a time zone difference too, if Rovell is sending his bitchy emails from NY or Connecticut to MI.

It looked to me like some Atletico players were trying to show some sort of solidarity after the motivation was explained, but that Diop was (justifiably) too pissed off.

I grew up near Buffalo, you're exactly right on all counts. The games can be fun, it's a very tough sport, and most of the Canadians I know that played were great guys. Now, the lax team in my college and most American players I know, kind of dick bags.

I have a predictive text app called swiftkey (android) that I swear by. It doesn't change words you've already typed, it just gives you three options at all times... I still find ways to type all sorts of dumb shit, but that's more about fat thumbs and not caring.

Are you really so mentally limited that asking yourself one question counts as a flowchart? Even if that's most of the mental capacity you can work up in a given day, isn't that a pretty reasonable trade off for being part of the race that gets to decide whether or not you want to worry about race?

-1 for not using comic sans

that's a pretty creative autocorrect. as an android user, I'm always surprised at how aggressively iphone's fuck that kind of stuff up.

Don't understand why it won't let me hit publish after I edit a comment, but that "my" should be "may" and it's pissing me off that I can't fix it.

But that's exactly what you're bitching about, and doing so on this particular article seems less appropriate than almost anywhere else.

I bet you those same people have pretty strong feelings about at least one more amendment they don't understand and my not have read.

"another words"? I think you mean "in other words"