Is it really that bad to slow down and think about how subconscious views on race impact your thinking? I know it's moderately inconvenient to go through a thought process to make sure that you don't accidentally offend people, but isn't taking on some of the discomfort ourselves preferable to the version where you

Finally, something we can all agree on.

Can they move the Clippers to the WNBA?

You're like my wife. Asking everyone for help and then bitching at us.

I wish they could make him sell the team back to the league for what he paid for it ($12.5mm). I think that would be fair.


I'm disagreeing with him. He's lecturing "Timmy" on the need to look at the defined terms and use statutory construction by sending an entire publication, while ignoring that they don't have the constitution. He was absolutely a condescending dick.

...or at least pee on him.

Did you catch the part where they don't have the whole constitution yet? Makes it sort of hard to check the defined terms, dick.

This is the first thing I thought when I saw the name. For some reason I doubt that it has anything to do with me disliking Lexus, since I have one. It's just funny.

I haven't caught much of this series, but based on the 5 assists and 60+ corsi share, I have a hard time believing he's the problem. You didn't really add any explanation in your comment — what's he not doing well?

I think you're missing the point. I take this as Sterling's quote is morally reprehensible, but actually pretty accurate to how athletes are treated by owners. What in the article made you think it's saying he's overstating the power he has over the players? and did so so strongly that you take it away as the crux of

Yeah, that's so much more offensive that widespread racial and sexual discrimination by an employer and landlord.

But they aren't paid minimum wage when you factor in all of the appearances, etc., and they are subject to fines (which doesn't sound like an independent contractor to me - especially when the team also limits the other kinds of work you can do).

"The whole thing reads like a 1950s-era all-girls boarding school's guide to landing the star quarterback. (Not the Bills' QB, of course; any fraternization is grounds for dismissal.)"

Apparently you couldn't.

...until he finds out his fans speak Spanish. That won't go over well.

...bonus points for the name

If I can interpret, he's grasping at straws in order to sympathize with a racist.

Your comment made me realize how awesome it would be if they actually took the team away from him right before it finally won it