Yeah, focusing on defense instead of getting 50 goals a year definitely didn't work for that Yzerman guy, Modano either.
Yeah, focusing on defense instead of getting 50 goals a year definitely didn't work for that Yzerman guy, Modano either.
That's like saying they can hire Sandusky to coach because he only fucked kids at a different school... it's nowhere near as cut and dry as you're trying to make it.
I'm all for second chances, but against hypocrisy... it's not always an easy line to draw. But, to me, kicking out the two guys who smoked weed while recruiting one that used counterfeit money to try to buy cocaine is pretty clearly on the wrong side of the line.
I dare you to develop a sense of humor.
I didn't notice til your comment... This is beautiful.
Don't worry, it's much more important that you correct someone than that you take the time to actually be correct.
You win, ahem, I mean: YOU WINZ!!1!!
Counterfeit currency is the serious crime there. I could care less about the weed and coke (though you can't throw other players off the team for weed when you're signing up a new guy who literally did time for using coke). When the Secret Service comes looking for you, that's beyond youthful transgression. Plus…
there's nothing hypocritical about kicking two guys off the team for something much less serious than what the new guy has already been caught doing? Seems like if you have a character standard, and someone violates it more than once before they show up, you would hold that past against them.
Yes, people being treated differently in the deep south and by the media because of race is equally as improbable a fictional animal. Brilliant point. You may want to cut to the chase and just post: "I'm a racist, so this offends me." It's an interesting thought experiment with some valid points. Get over it.
Isn't it just a question of whether the cop was trying to ram them or not? If he was, your logic would also justify the police just shooting at the cyclists for running away (which generally police can't do if you haven't tried to kill anyone). If the police rammed them to stop them, there's more to the analysis…
Nice recovery.
are you making fun of the joke instead of getting it?
In drivers ed they teach to flash your high beams at slow moving cars in the left lane so that they move and you pass in the appropriate lane. The defense is, "he did what he was supposed to, so I tried something dangerous — I'll resign but it's his fault". I live close enough to SC to understand that that might pass…
Did the article fail to explain why he's a crossing guard? How is the title misleading? I guess the fact that's he's not suffering and broke saddens you, since the article explained exactly what the headline said it would, and you feel like it enticed and mislead you. Maybe if you took less joy in other people's…
So you spend all your time giving minus scores to other comments, but the best joke you could come up with yourself is calling him KoBEE Bryant because he's scared of bees? Take a minute to consider whether you have any idea what the fuck "funny" means...
Yeah, I miss the old Simmons too.
If you're right, and he's a loser, and you have enough time and the inclination to make multiple comments complaining about, what's that say about you?
let me help clarify, the rest of us think it's funny. also, you asked how it was funny, which is a tacit admission you don't understand how it's funny.
is a comment to tell me that you don't want to talk sort of like calling me to tell me you don't want to talk?