That song is like wrapping yourself in a blanket made of morphine filled teddy bears.

Misleading headline. I was about to go smoke a dutch and do some experimenting.

I really enjoyed the demo. I didn't enjoy it $60 worth.. but I can wait until the week after it drops or whatever for it to go on sale. So much more pumped for this game than I was before.

Ugh, death to generic metal.

Shadows of the Damned is my 2011 GOTY, and I'm only on 2-2.

Awww, I wanna see..

Well you're just a wealth of cool shit, aren't you..

I see a giant back tattoo in my future.

Get back to me when you watch the clip again and actually figure out the point he was making.

You're not even making this fun. You're pointless and boring. Feel free to have the last word, I'm out.

No, because you're being totally abrasive and obnoxious. Say something intelligent and I'll respond intelligently.

@darkshine54: I'm a big fan. Love the mobile app, too. Auto-upload pictures to G+ when you take them, Huddle group chat..

@Jad: It actually is. The game has a challenge mode similar to SFIV, and the final parry challenge is this exact situation.

You're right. I'm sorry. I should have kept it civil and never told you to fuck off.

Hahah, pure gold. Do you have a writer? Surely, one man can not generate all these witticisms on the fly!

Nah, I don't think I will. Thanks for playing, though. And keep up the solid commenting. You're a real gem.

I love you. So much.

I really wish I could just do like.. a Wii nunchuk and a mouse or something lol. I can't stand trying to use the WASD keys for movement. Seems so unnatural.