What's up with that screenshot? I just scrolled through so many comments looking for someone asking about it. Is that actually the new HUD or is it a 'shop?

God, I hated that episode of TTGL. Even though Kittan is one of my favorite characters.

I have no mouth, and I must hurl.

Why not both?

Have they dropped the price on it yet? That could use a change.


Well that's pretty lame. The article got me all hyped up to play this, and then I find out it's just for iOS. Maybe let us know first next time?

Ugh.. Looks like I'm getting a 3DS..


I certainly don't think I want to shut the fuck up. I was just messing around. I had no idea you'd be such a lame about it.

Hey, I was just wondering if you'd had enough replies stating that Best Buy employees aren't on commission yet.

How do you know he couldn't care less? I'm sure it's possible that he could care less about it.

I came..

I choose the one they omitted. Where the hell is Yzma?!

Yo, Penny Arcade just bodied you free. That is all.

Annoying as that dude was in this video, it was a hundred times better than listening to him rap.

I just laughed way too fucking hard at this. Scratch that, still laughing.

Don't go outside? Man, you're a bummer. Outside is like the best place to be on acid. NATURE, BRO.

Nobody listen to this guy. I haven't been without my beard in a decade, and we are the best of friends.

This made me smile. :)