Heads I win. Tails you lose. Undesirable outcome averted.
Heads I win. Tails you lose. Undesirable outcome averted.
Well, largest planned explosion prior to 1945 is a bit different from "The biggest non nuclear explosion in history" so I think I've made my point.
Not so sure anymore, I see. Now it's "the largest deliberate man-made explosion until [...] 1945." and not even in bold anymore.
On the other hand, the tunnels are the target of the campaign not for their military value but because they can be used to move stuff into and around Gaza without Israel being able to watch. In a country that is effectively under constant blockade and enemy control, that is worth much more than the military value of…
Fun fact about "The biggest non-nuclear explosion in history": those that claim it as advertisement usually aren't. And this one is definitely not. Unless, maybe, the metric you go by is "people killed".
You have weird shit.
Naw, they said it's concentrated which would be pH 0 (up to 1, maybe). Your stomach should be no lower than 1.5. But gastric acid is not pure hydrochloric acid (there's other stuff in there that helps break down food).
When you see demonstrations with acid, always remember: What you see there isn't the cool stuff.
Sadly, in movies, slow problems with slow solutions don't make for good pacing.
Just examine the Andromeda Galaxy (M31) with Hubble or the VLT (and maybe for good measure the Magellanic Clouds) and you'll get that number...just don't hold your breath for someone actually doing that - Hubble's time is expensive.
And don't you just love patented design elements like 'square with rounded corners'? Meh, you win, patented concepts without associated methods are just ridiculous in 99.9% of cases.
Combined with the insanity of the limits of what can be patented, who could possibly be surprised?
Seems like a risk you'd take if you ever tried them. Watched some more videos and several of these "bets" are just dishonest - often enough, for example, he says he's going to do something with only one thing and then uses something else, too. And then there are those whose very premise is lying to the mark - those…
Choosing the brain for this just means you don't get the metaphor. Do you really want to tell the world that you are ignorant of 2k year-old cultural connotations? DO YOU?
A usual explanation is the representation of some type of vegetation (in Christian culture a fig or something related is often mentioned but I've read about other plants, leaves and seeds in different cultures with different cultural connotations). The ass is probably a reverse interpretation somewhat like the heart…
Number 1 is stupid. Just flip the band over.
HEAT has nothing to do with heat. It's all about the blast trajectory and kinetic penetration - but it needs to be detonated in a precise distance to be of any use at all because the charge's jet of metal and gas is somewhat prone to dispersion.
The printing press, though, does not seem to be one of those things invented in Asia first. So Gutenberg still gets some credit (and the date) for that.
Early forms of the codec were called DivX ;-)
Is that something like talking real loud? Shouting, maybe?