The punishment is too light, but this is probably not too far from the mark. We do make a distinction for juveniles and there has to be a line at some point between the two, even if everyone here thinks 17 is too old, and it’s definitely manslaughter, and not “what basically amounts to murder, as the author put it.

The filthy rich and their spawn are not “able to learn and be a better person.” They have been taught their entire lifetime that us poors are nothing of import. We are disposable. We are trash. They think in terms like “I can kill as many people as I like by poisoning their environment and only pay a small fine,” or,

Came here to say this. That might possibly be the dumbest reason I can think of to get rid of a car you “Loved”  and now own and have no trouble with. “I’ll teach those people at Carvana! I’ll sell my car after they already took my money and don’t give a shit anymore!”

ALL of these automated systems, every single one in every market and industry, rely on two things: nothing ever, EVER goes wrong and if when it does, there is a competent person whose job is to make it right.

Next time you don’t have to post a picture of every single one of them. I’ll take your word for it.

The idea that there’s something worse than Kinja sends a shiver down my spine.

But seriously, reading complaints about the implementation of a comments section on a Kinja platform is... a rush.

It’s even uglier in person.

Who. Who decided that was a good idea on the internet.

Record Sierra sales... because the Silverado is butt ugly.

Makes me wonder if they just cannibalized the allotted Silverado chips for the Sierra, as there is probably a higher profit margin on the Sierras.

Once again Jalop comments suck mostly.

I 100% think k-9s should be removed from law enforcement but for explosives detection. Dogs are such an obvious infringement of the constitution.

If only we rid ourselves of qualified immunity, your suggestion would be the SOP for shit like this. But these power-mad high school loser cops know that not only will they not suffer any consequences for their atrocious, illegal, racist behavior, but they will be hired by the next town over in the super rare chance

Right? If it’s a KNOWN drug house, why not just go get a warrant and bust it up? Oh right... they don’t actually know that or have any real evidence.

It’s worth pointing out that the cops should know about Terry not because it happened in Cleveland but because it happened in nineteen sixty fucking eight. Terry dealt with stop-and-frisk policies specifically and resulted in the court giving cops wide latitude and only requiring have “reasonable suspicion” (probable

This whole scenario stinks like a pig farm in August. First there’s a great deal of case law covering traffic stops that greatly limits both duration and activities allowed. Since the foundational one is Terry v. Ohio these clowns can’t claim ignorance. The whole dragging the paraplegic out of the car seems like some

Lol, if i was the Mayor I’d shitcan the officers immediately and say it’s for being dumbasses and a lawsuit risk.

My wallet cries at the amount of excise tax paid yearly

11 cars, 4 motorcycles, 1 bus.