Bradley, in Michigan this would lead to a huge uptick in poverty. Newer cars are already ridiculously expensive, car insurance is already amongst the highest in the nation, and our public transportation is a shitshow.  Without a major increase in wages proceeding this by a few years, you would be crippling the

I’ll halfway give you that one because is it really a new attack if he’s done it in a movie already?

If they adapt that spinal beam attack from Shin Godzilla, it’s a wrap for Kong. He can attack from any direction except underneath and Godzilla will mop him.

In case anybody else wants to try this thing, here’s the link from KFC in order to see if it’s available in your area before the wide release in February.

Detroit hasn’t been a Republican run city since ‘87 and hasn’t had a Devil’s Night worth mentioning since Dennis Archer was in office. So that “cities burn” line was umm... Bullshit.

I think you meant “assteroid”.

...username checks out.

While I believe cars should be hackable by their owners, I can’t fault Tesla for deciding to revoke warranty coverage on modified vehicles...

Luke, seriously.

As someone who once did support for Apple (iOS and Account Security), and loathes the company... I hate to say this, but Apple’s AppStore stance on purchases are GOOD for the customer.

Not sure.

Anybody else not surprised by this?

Remember folks: With this administration, if you’ve got a permanent tan like me, this isn’t hyperbole. This is fact.

It’s like Duke Nukem said: “Hail to the King baby.”

Is HR gatekeeping for family members and friends of family like where I’m at?

Ten years tops.

To say that his properties were an eye sore is an understatement. Picture whole blocks with 1-2 habitable homes, the rest vacant shells that aren’t even boarded up. As for bridge maintenance, Maroun had to buy up land that was under the bridge on the US side due to falling concrete and Canada was up his ass for the

They actually will ticket you if your vehicle is too loud. My truck got me the stink eye until I pointed out that I had to go up the ramp in 1st because of how slow traffic was moving.

Further insult to injury: Not even our military gets free healthcare but Congress does.

As the driver of an ‘86 K2500 Suburban with a 5-speed (NV4500), I applaud your tastes!