If you haven’t picked up on the fact that every single weapons’ system developed lately looks like it has been designed for deployment inside the US or another first-world country with minimal staffing, I don’t know what to tell you.

No no. It’s written in white and whiter.

My trucks have never left me stranded or broken down with my kids in the car. My ex-wife in the truck or driving it? Brakes failed, refused to start, brand new (leak tested under pressure!!!) heater core failed in the dead of winter, and the mechanical fuel pump died twice.

Did two years in the Army as a single parent. Can confirm: it sucks.

Probably can’t as it would put it in direct competition with the Camaro.

If you don’t live in Michigan, I don’t want to hear jack shit about insurance rates. We get treated worse than David Tracy’s backyard when it comes to insurance rates.

Exhaust too loud on my truck. Ticket was BS because the statute calls for a specific measurement at a specific distance and not a single vehicle or station in the department has a sound pressure meter.

Don’t forget that for lower income earners, a lot of these tickets require multiple court appearances to resolve which is an additional punitive impact against their ability to earn a wage. I received a BS ticket for exhaust in Detroit last year and it took four court appearances before the judge threw it out because

Where in Michigan? In Detroit where the bulk of the people affected by this live, insurance is 4-5 times what you would pay in say... Traverse City.

Insurance in Detroit is insane. If you want to see fuckery, try logging into your insurance provider’s site and pricing out your current insurance if you were to move to the 48235 zip code.

You clearly don’t live in Michigan. The public transportation system in Metro Detroit is comprised of three different systems operating on three different schedules that does not reach the majority of the locations where jobs that actually pay a decent wage are.

It’s definitely something with your specific unit. Two of my users have Shield TVs (both Pro?) and I’ve got the LTE version of the Shield Tablet, all work fine. Have you tried poking around the Plex subReddit? It’s actually pretty good help for users of all levels.

What kind of issues are you having with Plex? I’ve got it running on a full-blown server with twenty users and no issues.

Not just unlimited liability, but unlimited liability with basically nobody being allowed to audit the books except the guys in charge of the fund.

No inspections, but the highest car insurance in the nation.

Every time I look at him, I want to go play Super Monkey Ball.

Nobody is forgetting it, but the majority of the greatest potential tax base in the region can’t afford to own a car.

I need a shop like this for GM square body trucks.

Current worst experience goes to my now significant other.

At least they say something where you’re at. Where I am, they act like the idiots at McDonalds expecting $15/hr for fucking up my order.