Wow. This is a great summary of the game. I agree with everything you said. Basically: the game is great despite the current bugs and clunky controls!
Wow. This is a great summary of the game. I agree with everything you said. Basically: the game is great despite the current bugs and clunky controls!
Hasn't happened to me, but I actually command bots where to go.
I guess you can look forward to it this Winter.
I love the dialogue. A couple of my favorites as the Russians are "I can do this. I know how to be a hero," and "Just kill me, I don't care anymore." Those hit me every time.
That's why it's great to have indie developers that are willing to take risks.
Yep, the little I've played as a tank commander, I really enjoyed despite being terrible at it.
I know what you mean. I've been really immersed and felt like I'm in a real battle. The horrifying death screams just add more to the game's atmosphere.
Holy crap! Kotaku finally covers this game. I've been playing it for about 30 hours now, and I'm really enjoying it. I'm experiencing a couple bugs, mainly not leveling up in my stats :(, but despite that, I can't stop playing. I've even joined a clan and I hope to continue playing for years to come. I'm really…
This is how I would waste my money if I had any.
I hooked up a controller for Arkham Asylum. So, yes.
Yep, then you never have to watch that intro again whenever you start up Valve's newer games. Though I've already grown quite fond of it.
They've been using that intro since 2007 on The Orange Box. This is the one they used before then.
I don't really keep up with sports games, but does this game use Euphoria for the character physics? It reminds me a lot of GTA IV.
I'd say around 800 bucks and up if you know how to get good parts for a good price. I honestly think it's worth it for all the added perks of PC gaming. Great games all easily maxed out along with mods and dedicated servers. My favorite thing though is Steam sales. I've never had so many games in my library until all…
It'd be better in HD. It's really hard to tell even the big differences apart.
It's free, and now you have it on your Steam account permanently. This happened last year when Steam was released on Mac, and I immediately jumped on the deal.
I'm definitely loving it! I've really been enjoying the game so far despite the bugs. What I really can't wait for are Rising Storm and In Country: Vietnam in the future. I expect to enjoy this game and its community for years to come.
I'll be happily playing Red Orchestra 2. The current build is still quite buggy, but the great gameplay is there. Many of the bugs have already been fixed, so you can expect a much more stable game in the next month or so.
I speak Spanish, and we say "gratis."