
If the Batman broke the Jokers neck why would it cause blood to pool around their feet? Besides I always assumed the "blood" was simply mud. on another note I figured the title was simply a metaphor, what he did to the Gordons was the "joke" and what he was killing was their innocents, sanity, and overall sense of

If the Hulk loses his powers doesn't he just turn back into Banner?

I believe after "Super Mario Bros: the Movie" Nintendo has proven they can not be trusted to make movies based on their games. Its' good to know they will let others screw it up for them.

Well, I told you I hadn't quite got it right, 'cause it goes a little funny when it gets to the dessert. It's the Blueberry Pie that does it. I'm terribly sorry!

Not really sure this counts, seeing as how she appeared in theaters for the original run, and was only cut from subsequent re releases.

In a couple of days they'll find out PeTA killed it to "prove" how bad global warming has become.

AAHHH! It's the great beast. Fetch thine Holy Hand Grenade.

I like looking for shapes in the clouds. for example this one looks like an amorphous blob.

For those having trouble coping.

Still not a ginger.

Where can I find a copy of "Maim Killing" the closest I can find is "MDK"?


Is that why it always has the aftertaste of burnt popcorn?

Holy crap. If that's true we might be related!

"Oil can. Oil can"

Then you should know better, shouldn't you.

It would be a good place for you to start. Just don't hurt yourself.

"So Kitty Pride can pass through things?"

I have never seen such a logical and thought out discussion, that was full of so many mistakes.