Unfair, I don’t think I should have to get what THEY deserve. I don’t deserve an assclown for a president. 

as much as I despise Trump and Elon, well it’s a given China will dominate if both USA and Germany can’t make cheap brand new EV cars that people want

“Why are we making a product that they dominate?” Trump said. “They are going to dominate.”

I mean, politics is inherently full of s—t, but he harks back to real Boss Tweed, PT Barnum-level nonsense. It would be funny if it wasn’t so sad, and explains why people lose billions in fraud and scams every year—there really is a sucker born every minute. I always ask people why Trump consistently loses in NY and

It shouldn’t have to be said, but given the number of Trump voters, I suppose the facts have to be laid out:

The women in his circle the embodiment of the white trash who will vote for him.  

This FUD* shit with Trump and the Republicans is really starting to annoy me. They have no vision and only “concepts of plans”, so they need to scare people into voting for them.

I just wish the fucker would die already. Heart attack, stage 5 cancer, whatever. He is a sore on America’s ass. And it absolutely blows me away that somehow the race is close? What in the flying fuck is wrong with people? He is the BEST you can do? And its not just him but all of the other crazy people working for

I guess they are expecting to relaunch yet again. We have a term for that here in Denmark: Bankruptcy rider (konkursrytter) - someone who generates debt, only to declare banktruptcy to wipe said debt, and starting anew with the same business and same behaviour.

Because they couldn’t say “legal pressures”

Drumpf, as incoherent as the drunk at the end of the bar, and happens to be ranting about the exact same topics as the drunk at the end of the bar.

I’m really shocked that Fisker backtracked — why would they care about “backlash”? They’re a dead company, with no new products forthcoming, so why would they care if they left owners in a bind?  I’m glad they did reverse, but curious as to know why “market pressures” had such an influence on this zombie outfit when

It's fine. There's 3 cybertrucks coming to rescue it. No hang on, now there's 2. Wait, one. 

That’s such a douchebag thing to say.

Hey, I *think* I’m not a douchebag.

When the Altima ceases to exist all other Nissans become Altimas.

I can’t wait to see one with the bumper hanging halfway off and hood held down with duct tape blasting between lanes on the highway at 90mph on two space- saver spares.

but WTF will you do if it rains while you’re shopping?! Without AWD, that Honda would slide, flip, end up at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean no matter if you’re parked in Colorado or Vermont.

The dealer did not get back to the customer after letting him know that they would take care of the frame problem. I am shocked..No I am not. As long as there are car dealers… when they want to sell you a vehicle, they are in your face…But to get your cars defect fixed….Crickets.