Lysol is the Man, Whitey!

Who the fuck is Nev Schulman?

He, like many, probably lost faith in this website after Clark the Cub failed to clear 75% in the 2014 Hall of Fame vote.

I dōn’t sēē whāt thē prōblēm īs?

I’ll take one in Martini please. Who do I make the check out to?

Split the difference, adopt the Penix as a mascot:

You are correct. Other than animal products, the only thing vegan food cannot contain is flavor.

*Grabs popcorn to watch owners implode*

This is the purest desire I’ve ever felt in my life to see both sides lose.

The story’s author takes us into the living room of Johnstown resident Pam Schilling, a 60-year-old retiree who is already keyed up to vote for Trump in 2020:

This sucks in a way that’s hard to put into words. Halladay is someone I’d have driven to Cooperstown to see his induction. A personal hero from back when I still had those.

I think we should be more worried about BIG FIG.

I didn’t know there were milk truthers.

My joke above was in reference to the often-baffling state of what constitutes a catch and what doesn’t in the modern iteration of the NFL rule book. I like to have a little fun with it sometimes.

Your 10 year old is not a millennial. We’re like fucking 30 now dude.

Using 146 hops, brewed on three days rest.

You don’t get credit for not making a horrible trade when you TRY to make a horrible trade and fail.

When my daughter was 2, she refused to let me use wet wipes to clean her after she pooped, and insisted on being wiped with a shred of an American flag which had been moistened with tears shed by decent upstanding citizens at the moral decay our society has been experiencing since, oh, about September 22nd, 1862. But

The Niners have won seven of their 39 games since firing Jim Harbaugh as head coach, including their last 10 games at home.
