
Your first mistake was doing his laundry at all.  No offense but your husband seems like an asshole.

yeah. adult communication is surprisingly ineffective.

This is a constant source of struggle in my home. I make the meals, do the shopping, the bill paying, 98.5% of the house cleaning, all of the laundry, manage the kids, etc. My husband works two jobs, one being purely because he wants to.  He cuts the grass and maintains the exterior of the home. That’s it. When we

Nice. I think it was John Oliver who said that everything Trump touches turns into either an ex-wife or a failed casino.

“Moreover, Politico noted, the garden is kept up by the National Park Service and maintained by a private funding stream (notably, the Obama administration arranged for both of these endeavors as a means of ensuring the garden’s longevity).”

It’s still there, according to the National Park Service.


Knowing this White House’s slick media operation: tonight, under the cover of darkness, a 30m tall Douglas fir will be planted in a completely different spot in the White House grounds. Tomorrow, Trump will give the press a photo op at the tree to show its clear health and denounce fake news.

One more young life that died while imprisoned during the Trump Administration.

I worked in landscaping for a couple of years and I thought the same thing about that tree when it was planted. It was not a good looking tree, nor did it seem robust and ready to thrive. Not at all surprised it didn’t survive relocation and quarantine. It already looked like Charlie Brown’s Christmas tree when they

The header photo of Trump lifting a shovelful of dirt documents exactly 50% of the physical labor he’s done in his entire life.

Trump touched the tree, and it promptly died. That sounds about right.

If only the entire Trump family tree would suffer such a fate

“It’s crooked and the branching structure is wrong.”

In this administration I can only assume “quarantine” was really a wood chipper. 

“the tree died in quarantine” — damn, the parallel with the encamped migrant kids is more poignant than I expected.

I am in the nursery business and I can state unequivocally that the tree was a cull.   It’s crooked and the branching structure is wrong.  

What happened with Michelle Obama’s WH garden? She founded a vegetable garden, and those require upkeep. Can’t imagine golfing-on-the-government’s-dime would want to spend money on something like vegetables

Yeah, I’m happy too. Happy that Macron didn’t give him a dog.

Probably committed suicide.