
The fight for abortion rights is a question of language as much as it is about laws.

They’ve been controlling the narrative about abortions, period, for way too fucking long. They’re the reason why democrats say the less offensive “pro-choice” instead of “pro-abortion.” It means the same damn thing but if you say you’re pro abortion some dumb fuck comes running, screaming that you want everyone to

The question of language is difficult because both sides of the debate seem to be of the opinion that if they use the other side’s terminology, they’re ceding valuable territory. Personally, I think we’re sometimes too insecure about the American public’s “range of complex feelings” to the point where the pro-choice

When that was pointed out to Santorum’s press secretary, she responded, “It’s a matter of what’s in his heart. He’s a frothy mixture of lubricant and fecal matter as an occasional byproduct of anal sex a strongly pro-life person.”

Why let something as silly as facts get in the way of of a righteous agenda?

In my heart I’m a multimillionaire so someone get me a gold-plated toilet, already.

Perhaps it doesn’t matter so very much how she died but that the trauma of having been raped twice in her youth generated such horror that she could no longer see her way clear to live.

God, it is so depressing. And how blatant that facts don’t matter. To actually admit that it is made up but justify that it is “in his heart”.

Weve been dealing with stupid claims like that for years.

Like the current ambassador to the Netherlands who claimed for years there are areas where people are getting killed in the streets by muslims. Nobody in the US every questioned him about it, it wasn’t until he got to the Netherlands when he finally got fact ch

“It’s a matter of what’s in his heart. He’s a strongly pro-life person.” What the fuck????

I’m currently pursuing my PhD in Neurobiology and have made this a huge part of my career since I’m interested in pursuing a career in science policy just as much as doing bench research. I see this attitude all the time in my department and previous labs I’ve worked in at other institutions. The default is always

If this is not the corner of Faux Woke and Male Privilege, I don’t know what is.

Their feeling is they’d better be polite and say “yes, sir” or they won’t get that 5% tip

No, the current plague of conservatives view all service jobs as undignified.

They only treat it as “undignified” because they’re attacking her. They’ve already started their Hillary Clinton treatment strategy, so by the time she’s ready to consider running for president, they will have attempted to bludgeon her over the course of 20-30 years with unfounded smears.

“He decided as a child that he wanted to be wealthy after watching the post-apocalyptic movie Soylent Green, where the sole rich character dines on steak instead of liquified people. “I decided then and there I wanted to be the person who ate steak,” he said.”

I don’t often say this about a politician, but the more I learn about her, the more I like Ocasio-Cortez. Seriously.

Ok but like...I’d be even LESS inclined to hook up with a guy who has had obvious cosmetic surgery so...

I rather that part of the man be as unnoticeable as possible, lol. I’m not grossed out by them but I never looked at a pair and said, “I wish they were bigger!”

Dear incels, we are not interested in dinosaur egg-sized testicles. What the FUCK ever gave you that idea???