
This almost made me cry. We all deserve so much better than this.

Yeah, I will forever find it suspicious that I all of a sudden needed a Csection at 430pm...

I hope that doctor gets shit on by birds every single time he gets within 50 feet of a golf course. Seriously, what a doucheliner.

Wow, I’m so sorry about your mum and brother.

I’m so sorry birth trauma affected your relationship so severely. My mom had a really rough time with my brother due to dr incompetence and their relationship is STILL rocky. I swear it started there. That process and those early moments, if fucked up, can really leave lasting effects.

Dr Snip? Holy fuck. Why do people become OBs if they hate birth so much???

My mother had the same thing with me, and the trauma she sustained from it has actually damaged our relationship to the point we are no longer on speaking terms. She was lucky enough to have an easier birth with my brother (she had an embolism and required multiple transfusions, but it was less traumatic on her body

Yep. My mistake was going into labor on a Sunday when the attending OB had other plans. The first thing he said to me was that he was going to break my water. I told him no.  He didn’t like that. I was 9.5 cm dilated when I walked into the hospital, by the way. It’s not like it was gonna be very long. 

My sister-in-law wanted a natural birth. She had a midwife but ended up having to go to the hospital. I’m not sure how explicit she was with her doctor about not wanting an episiotomy, but they gave her one and she tore all the way to her anus. After she was released she ended up with a severe infection and ended up

Those bastards can’t wait to get to their golf game.

My ex had 3 of our kids, and all 3 were done with an episiotomy without asking. Doc just said he saw baby’s head beginning to crown, snipped, then baby came spilling out. I asked why he didnt ask her for permission - he gave some BS answer about how tearing is harder to heal and keep clean, and that its standard

Jesus Wept.  You should have returned with a court summons...

Seeing the episiotomy in the “Miracle of Life” film in science class made me swear off childbearing for life. When I would tell people this, I was always told “OMG, NO ONE does those anymore! Your fears are unfounded!”

I wasn’t told it was being done. I was on very low epidural and I honestly just thought the midwife put her hands in me to pull him out a little. I found out when they examined my stitches the next day. I knew I tore, I felt that so I knew I had stitches.

Thank you, I think I got in a light kick to his left shoulder. When the horrified nurse told him what he had neglected to do, he said, “Oh well, it’s too late now.”

Having had a “small” episiotomy during my first delivery, if anyone said that to my spouse I’d have filed a complaint with the state medical board. That is completely inappropriate. This further validates my decision many years ago to use only female OB/GYNs and midwives after seeking birth control when I was 19 from

Injury? Meet insult. 

I hope you succeeded, a kick to the face would have been well-deserved.

I had them done with both of my daughters’ births. As I mentioned in another post, the doctor that delivered my older daughter forgot to numb me before he started cutting. I was able to free one leg from the stirrup and tried to kick him.

I had an episiotomy and I couldn’t enjoy sex for a year because i had this little skin tag that was sticking out. I luckily got that removed but the scar tissue basically meant I had to stretch the scar tissue in order for me to enjoy sex again. Pair that with a bad form of birth control which caused chronic yeast