
I took a class in college called “Genre: Romance” and it was a historical look at the genre and ended with our having to write a romance short story. I wrote mine about the local Sainsbury’s guard with the bubblegum ass. (He was so adorable; my friend and I would just go to the store to watch him walk.) I’m NOT a good

Don’t you mean it kills you, dead. Dead. Dead.

Somehow that makes it worse.

She named him after a guy who believed that the potato famine was sent by God to teach the Irish a lesson.

“Trevelyan” is also the maiden name of Christian Grey’s mother in “Fifty Shades.”

I fucking LOVE Jenny’s analysis.

Jenny Trout is reviewing this on her Jealous Haters Book Club. One of the commenters pointed out how close the plotline is to Poldark and wondered if this was another AU fanfiction.

Maxim Trevelyan... Aleissa Demachi

^This. I’d rather sit near someone munching on carrot sticks than the guy with his hand up his shorts, fondling himself as he stares blankly into space during fucking rush hour. 

Eating is one of the lease offensive things I’ve endured from my fellow passengers on public transit.

And it makes sense that Metro workers would be allowed to eat on the train because they probably spend most of their time on the train and, at the least, their downtime is likely spent on the train going from one location to another. It’s not like they can go to Chili’s for lunch.

It bothers me when people eat anything more than a snack on transit too. But agreed, the proper response to this is, if anything, is to be silently pissed about it. Anything more is really inappropriate.

Seems like you may be pointing your finger at the wrong person, there; of course it’s ridiculous if pregnant women or elderly passengers get yelled at for drinking water, but that’s not this WMATA worker’s fault.

So - did this WMATA worker in particular yell at pregnant or elderly women? And were photos of these women tweeted so they could lose their jobs? 

Why would you even know the WMATA stopped ticketing for eating/drinking on trains? That seems like something an employee would know, not a commuter. So if you see an employee eating, maybe just assume they’re ok to do it and live your life.

Ok but like, this is a low wage worker who obviously didn’t have time for a proper lunch break. There’s a big difference between being silently pissed in your head and putting this person on public blast to try to get them fired/in trouble with their boss over something so petty. It’s not like she’s the one who set

I saw a comment on The Root article about this same situation that made one of the best points: Employees of companies often get to do things customers aren’t allowed to do. It’s that simple.

See, even if it is against the rules for passengers to eat on the train, I’d just assume that the employee would have dispensation as they are on the darned things all day...and mind my own business.

I admit that I’m annoyed by people who eat on transit (irrationally so; I have weird issues about hearing people eat thanks to misophonia, too) but I can’t IMAGINE doing something like this; if it’s getting to me, I get up and move. Life goes on.

“Communications Expert” who can’t help herself on twitter - hopefully she’s tweeted herself out of further employment in that field.