
As a woman who spent her teen years stuffing her underwear with toilet paper because her divorced dad wouldn’t buy feminine hygiene products, YES.

This so accurately puts into words the low-grade anxiety trip that the last few years have been. Also, Dad has dementia and is horribly manipulative, but you know - the court/government has required this temporary arrangement, soooo... wait it out, I guess?

She was being nice. Trump is the divorced Dad with severe mental and emotional issues and probably an addiction or two. He also deeply regrets even having kids and isn’t afraid to “joke” about the time he asked your mom to get an abortion. 

Trump does remind me of the divorced dad of a schoolmate I have known since we were five. He tormented her mother until she left him. Then he pulled every dirty trick in the book to gain custody of my schoolmate. One such trick was painting the mother as an alcoholic (and after years with him she probably was) although

I think the only time real people actually take this route is when they have a family member who is a lawyer and is willing to let them work at the firm and apprentice, otherwise I have no idea why any firm would do this.

Exactly. Hell, I’m IN law school (though not going for a JD), and I can barely get law firms to acknowledge my job applications.

Also, let’s not pretend that a kid off the street can show up at a law firm and say “hey, can I read law with y’all for four years.”

I remember watching Lady Gaga’s Netflix special. On the one hand I felt a kinship because she has a chronic pain condition and so do I. She has a decidedly more arduous career than I do, too. On the other, she has a massage therapist on call, gets trigger point injections, and walks around with a fat blunt like

I can appreciate that she’s putting in the work, but for her to say her wealth and privilege has nothing to do with her being able to become a lawyer is disingenuous and frankly insulting to those of us studying law who don’t have even a fraction of her resources.

I think it’s fine for Kardashian West to study the law or not—I’m just tired of celebrities asking people to forget they’re rich and have a gazillion nannies and personal chefs and assistants to make their lives easier”

I thought you were going to ask about the guy who found out his teenage daughter was pregnant because Target kept sending her coupons for diapers and formula. He got all indignant and contacted Target Corporate and demanded to know what WTH they thought they were doing. Turns out? The daughter was pregnant. Target’s

You don’t even need to use a purchasing app like that to feel the impact! If you search anything remotely related to pregnancy or look at too many articles semi-related to pregnancy, your ads immediately become tailored to it. I feel like jezebel had an article a while back about how good advertisers have become at

Wasn’t there a story a few years back about a man who found out his daughter (I believe she was a teen) was pregnant because she was using his cartwheel or some other such shopping app, as she had bought a pregnancy test using the app and then it started suggesting maternity and baby related things to him?  I say all

The French tried it. They ended up with an Emperor and lots of death of the poors in wars.

There is so very few things worse then dealing with the struggles of mental disorders, especially those caused from ultra traumatic events that lead to PTSD.

This is sad, and I hope her family may find some peace in these awful times.

We need to try this game I heard about called Guillotines.


Goddamn heartbreaking. Guns take another life. 

The corrupt US government fails its citizens again and another young life is snuffed out.   All so rich assholes can sell guns to stupid assholes.